… For a scenario only survives in the strange puddle in which we deposit our memories if it has the good fortune to join some other emotion for which it is preserved “.
Caiçara, I have always had affection and admiration for the fish creature since childhood. I come across the text of VW., Quoted and nothing is more beautiful and identifiable. I share it with you.
Translation: Tomaz Tadeu, Authentic publisher. 2015
“… The turmoil of the world descended on us like a crumbling cloud. Aquariums cut in uniform darkness enclose regions of immortality, worlds of constant sunlight where there is no rain or clouds. Its inhabitants continually make evolutions whose complexity, for having no reason, it seems even more sublime. Blue and silver armies, maintaining a perfect distance despite being fast as an arrow, fire first to one side, then to the other. Discipline is perfect, absolute control; reason, none . The most majestic of human evolution seems weak and uncertain compared to that of fish “.
“… The fish themselves seem to have been deliberately molded and to have slipped into the world just to be themselves. They do not work or cry. In their form is their reason. For another purpose, not enough of a perfect could they have been made that way, some so round, some so thin, some with radiant fins on the back, some armored with a blue shell, some endowed with prodigious claws, some scandalously edged with huge mustaches? half a dozen fish than with the races of humanity “.
* Note: The cover of the book The Sun and the Fishes – poetic prose, brings images. The ones published here (from 38) designed them for an unprecedented children’s book and exhibition in plotters that should take place on the streets of the city of Curitiba still in 2017 with haikais of poets from Paraná plus the classic Japanese Sissa and Bashô that have fish as their theme in their production.
Sônia Gutierrez